Mirtala Sol ☀️
Tarot Reader

Psychic's Average Rating: 5.00

Total Completed Readings: 283

Reading In Queue: 1



Reviews & Ratings
Hola buenos días, todo lo que me dices es cierto , últimamente he tenido muchas dolencias a las articulaciones … a mi me cuesta mucho tratar de cuidarme , vivo preocupado hasta de mis mascotas ! Pero tendré que hacerlo porque no me he sentido muy bien … usted como recomendación y algún consejo aparte de lo que me dijiste ! Gracias espero su respuesta !
Link broken. Please open chat box. Failed to play via chat and when I saved it to my phone said no audio
Gracias Mirtala! no te preocupes por la tardanza que en estas fechas es normal, todos tenemos ocupaciones y muchas cosas familiares. Me gustaría comentarte por el chat si es posible, ya me dices. mil gracias y felices fiestas! ❤️🎄✨️
Gracias Mirtala, muy completa y acertada lectura, explicada con mucha claridad. Gracias por aclararme, a ver si puedo abrir el chatbox y te pregunto cosas. Gracias ✨️
Will he at least tell me how he feels for me and help me?
Hello Mirtala I can not open the audio or it would not load at all can you please help ?
Hey I’m having ruble listening to the audio it’s not uploading
Thank you so much. Such a wonderful reading. This gave me a lot of peace of mind 🩵
Hello Mirtala thank you so much for clarifying the questions I asked for this particular reading you have given me there is something else I will like to ask you. May you please open up the chat for me? I really will appreciate it. Thank you so much once again. 💋❤️
Thank you so so much like always for your insightful advice and empathetic guidance 💕can you please open the chat box for clarification please ?💕
Hello, Mirtala can you open the chat for me if you can? There’s one question I will like to ask you regarding to this reading. 🙂❤️
Muchas gracias por la lectura. Aunque como pasaron varios días mis energías se han movido de manera abismal. Es decir conocí a alguien ayer mismo pero como tú me dices positiva.
Thank you for that well detail beautiful reading I just received from you. Thank you so much. ❤️
Thank you Mirtala for the very supportive reading. It resonated with me.🙏🏻It was also beautiful that you picked up on my E.T connection. We have a very close bond. I would defo recommend you. James🙂
Hello my darling Thank you so much for the amazing reading .Can you please up Chat box for clarification ?💕